Top 10 DevSecOps interview questions

By Aizhan Azhybaeva July 15, 2023

Top 10 DevSecOps Interview Questions: Mastering the Security-Driven DevOps Approach


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development and IT operations, the DevSecOps methodology has gained prominence as a security-driven approach to DevOps. DevSecOps emphasizes integrating security practices throughout the entire software development lifecycle, ensuring a proactive and collaborative approach to safeguarding digital assets. If you’re aiming to pursue a DevSecOps role, it’s essential to be well-prepared for the interview process. In this article, we present the top 10 DevSecOps interview questions that are commonly asked by recruiters and hiring managers. Let’s delve into these questions and equip you for a successful interview!

1. What is DevSecOps, and how does it differ from traditional DevOps?

This fundamental question assesses your understanding of the DevSecOps methodology and how it differs from traditional DevOps practices. Highlight the key principles of DevSecOps, such as shifting security left, automating security checks, and fostering collaboration between development, security, and operations teams.

2. How do you ensure security is integrated into the CI/CD pipeline?

Demonstrate your expertise in implementing security measures throughout the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Explain how you leverage security tools, code analysis, and vulnerability scanning at various stages of the pipeline to identify and address security issues proactively.

3. What security best practices do you follow for containerization?

Containerization is an integral part of modern software deployment. Discuss the security best practices you employ when using containerization platforms like Docker and Kubernetes. Topics to cover include image security, container isolation, and runtime protection.

4. How do you handle security compliance and auditing in a DevSecOps environment?

Security compliance is critical for organizations operating in regulated industries. Describe your approach to ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations, and how you facilitate security auditing and reporting.

5. How do you manage secrets and sensitive data in your DevSecOps workflow?

Handling secrets and sensitive data securely is paramount in DevSecOps. Explain the methods and tools you use for secret management, such as HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager, and how you enforce access controls.

6. Describe your experience with security incident response in a DevSecOps setting.

Incident response is a crucial aspect of DevSecOps. Share your experience in handling security incidents, including detection, containment, eradication, and recovery. Emphasize the importance of post-incident analysis for continuous improvement.

7. How do you promote a security-first culture within a DevSecOps team?

A security-first culture is essential for the success of DevSecOps. Discuss how you encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members, while also fostering security awareness and training initiatives.

8. How do you perform risk assessments for applications and infrastructure?

Risk assessment is vital to identify and prioritize potential security threats. Describe your approach to conducting risk assessments, including threat modeling, vulnerability scanning, and risk analysis.

9. How do you stay updated on the latest security threats and industry best practices?

Continuous learning is crucial in the rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape. Talk about the resources you use to stay informed about emerging threats, new security technologies, and industry best practices.

10. Can you share an example of a successful DevSecOps implementation?

Provide a real-life example of a DevSecOps project you worked on, highlighting the security challenges you encountered and how you addressed them. Discuss the positive outcomes and lessons learned from the implementation.


As the demand for security-aware DevOps professionals grows, mastering DevSecOps principles is essential for a successful career in the field. Preparing for DevSecOps interviews by familiarizing yourself with these top 10 interview questions will bolster your confidence and demonstrate your expertise in integrating security into the DevOps workflow. Emphasize your commitment to fostering a proactive and collaborative security culture, and showcase your experience in implementing robust security measures to ensure the success of DevSecOps initiatives.